Saturday, July 17, 2010


Kayla has started swim lessons, as of last week. She is doing great! At the first lesson I noticed a lot of other children were quite reluctant to get into the water, but Kayla got right in. She does a great job in there and would love it if we would just let go of her and let her go off on her own! Her instructor, Pete, says she has no fear and that she does really well for her age. She has been practicing blowing bubbles and kicking and floating both on her back and on her tummy. Her third lesson in, Pete taught her to jump off the edge of the pool and right into the water. She did it no problem! I WAS SHOCKED! Sometimes when she has a bath at home she will freak out a little bit if we pour too much water on her head at once when we are washing her hair. So I was thinking we would have some trouble getting her to go under the water, when she jumps in. She just seemed like she loved it though, and she would pop right out of the water every time and clap her hands and yell "all right!".

That's all for now, I will check back in soon with some more updates on little miss Kayla! :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Holy sentences batman!

Kayla has turned into a full fledged, sentence speaking, question answering little person! She always has something cute and funny and insightful to say. It’s amazing! Her one word responses are definitely a thing of the past! Although she has been speaking sentences for quite some time now, over the past month her tentative sentences have turned into full on adult like responses. She asks questions, answers questions, and can practically carry on a conversation on just about any subject. Her desire and appreciation for learning new things is astounding. It about knocks the wind out of me. Every single day she says at least one new word. She literally repeats every single thing we say – so we do have to be a little more careful nowadays =)
Here are some recent pictures of my walking, talking, mini adult child!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Kayla read her first word last night!

Last night, Jake was wearing a shirt that said Papa Bear on it. Kayla came walking up to him, pointed at the word bear and said "bear"! We were in shock, we couldn't believe it! We kind of thought it was a fluke but then Jake grabbed a book of hers that had the word bear on it. He covered up the picture of the bear and then pointed at the word and asked her what it said and once again, she said bear! SO PROUD! xoxo

Friday, April 16, 2010

Kayla's Outdoor Adventures

Kayla is having so much fun now that it is sunny outside again! She gets to go on walks every day with Daddy, plus another walk at night after dinner with both of us! She is at the point where we keep her in the stroller or the wagon up until we get about a half a mile from the house, then we let her walk the rest of the way. If we let her do any more than that she would run away from us mid walk. Right now, everything for her is all about exploring. If she hears a noise from the side street, she runs to check it out. If she sees a flower growing in a side yard, she wants to pick it and carry it everywhere she goes. If she sees a rock, she points at it and exclaims "rock"! I just love her curious personality and her love of the outdoors. Everything is a big adventure!
She is also learning how to play well with other kids. When we go to the park she is extremely friendly and always wants to make friends with the other kids. She will run after the big kids and talk and laugh at them...even if they don't know she is there. We have a neighbor boy who she just loves to pieces and anytime we see him outside she runs up to him and wants to play. He is a year and a half older than her so he does really well with her, always talks to her and gives her hugs, and together they explore the outdoors.
Her teething has finally slowed a bit and so she has been in a much better mood the past couple of weeks! More updates to come!

Monday, April 5, 2010

New Words & Phrases

Here are some of Kayla's latest words and phrases:

I see you
I did it
More please
I"ll get you
Tickle tickle tickle
Hold on!

New Pictures!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010